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"A great teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others." Anonymous

"A great teacher is like a candle, it  consumes itself to light the way for others." Anonymous

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Native American Day

Native American Day is always such fun.  The kids learn a lot and it is a great culmination for our Thanksgiving Unit.  Although it is a fun day, this year was bittersweet because it was Ms. Whitmore's last day with us.  But, congratulations to her, as she will be teaching 5th grade math.  She was also recognized by JSU for fantastic job as she received the Outstanding Student Teacher Award.  Congrats, and we'll miss you.

Promethean Board Stations

So my student teacher I had this semester really inspired me to use my promethean board more.  I created this flip chart to use with a recording sheet and made it one of my literacy stations during Thanksgiving.  The kids clicked on a pilgrim hat to reveal a cvc picture.  They then sounded out and spelled the cvc word on their recording sheet.  They had a blast doing this station.  I got to noticing they were doing it over and over and not moving on to their free choice.  Thanks Ms. J. Chamblee for the recording sheet.

Scarecrow, Scarecrow

Okay, so I know I am really behind on posting, but graduate school was about to get the best of me.  However, I am now officially finished with graduation coming up this week.  But, enough of that let's see if I can catch up on some long over due posts
I love to paint with the kids.  It can get a little messy, but it all washes out.  We painted a scarecrow and added the caption:
Scarecrow, scarecrow
How scary can you be?
You scared a ______,
But you didn't scare me.